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«  Август 2009  »

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Главная » 2009 » Август » 23 » Свадьба Игор-Неля
6:30 PM
Свадьба Игор-Неля
"Свадьбы день и памятен и дорог..."

Поздравляем Вас с Днем Бракосочетания! Пусть Бог хранит Ваш союз и благословляет Вас на Вашем жизненном пути. Пусть Ваша любовь, нежные отношения и взаимопонимание возростают с каждым новым днем Вашей семейной жизни! Пусть Бог хранит Вашу семью!!!

The wedding day is precious and memorable.
Dear Igor and Nelli!!! We congratulate you with your day of union. May God keep your union and bless you on your new life together. May your love and gentle relationship grow with each day of your new marriage. May God keep your family safe!!

Verses to think about...
Teach me, O Lord, the way of your statues; and I will keep it to the end (PS 119:33)

Категория: Другое | Просмотров: 585 | Добавил: fresno | Рейтинг: 0.0/0
Всего комментариев: 1
1 pursuing_God  
congrats igor and nelli! talking with you two has made me realize that God must be the center of EVERYTHING! and though ive heard aboutit ive never seen it before..how God can be exalted in a relationship. The message at your wedding was great..I had no idea about God's goal in marriage is to make each more holy and to present the spouse holy and spotless. caleb, i believe, did a great job explaiing it. hope this day will mark the beginnning of a wonderful journey together during which Christ will be exalted and glorifed..congrats angainand God bless!

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